Take some long, slow, deep breaths this month. Maybe try meditating or practice yoga. If they are not your style, then at least go swimming!  Walk on the beach or in the bush, reflect, entertain silence. The message the skies are delivering now is  – take time for introspection.  This month is really the calm before the storm.  It could be immensely valuable to make time for yourself, to listen to your inner voice, to find a calm, quiet place where you can turn down the monkey mind and really feel where you need to go.

Because go you will.  Come April, we will all be going somewhere.  The energies for this month are compelling in their push to get us moving. So in March, let us be still for a moment to think and feel our way forward.  Where do we want to be, this time next year?  What is it we need to change in our lives?  Change is the keyword for this period – make no mistake. We are all being asked to change. And as we know, change usually entails letting go of something.

March is Pisces time.  And Pisces, being the last sign of the zodiac, is about letting go, dissolution, release, endings.  All the ages of the lifespan correspond to the zodiacal signs, and Pisces is the age from 80 to the end of life; it is where we come to completion. The boundaries separating space and time collapse.  Dreamtime – or confusion or disorientation (senility) take over.  So when the Sun is in Pisces (Feb 19 to March 20), we all go a bit ‘Piscean’.  And this is what is intended.  Pisces time is about recognizing the need for completion in our lives.  The cosmos is asking us to let go of what has reached the end of its life, within our lives.  The newborn energy of Aries is just over the horizon – ready and waiting to take us into the next cycle; to begin again.

Our task now is to ‘let it be’ – to ‘go with the flow’ – classic Pisces concepts.  To surrender to a power that we know intuitively is greater than we are.  Yes, the feeling is uncertain. How can it be otherwise when we are in the business of transcending duality – and seeking a more unitive awareness.  In many ways this is a paradoxical time – because we are not trained to recognize unity. We are immersed in duality from the moment of our first breath.  It can feel confusing, unsettling, disturbing – particularly to those who do not resonate strongly with the Piscean energy.

More positively, Pisces represents our quest for the ideal – which occurs on the level of imagination first.  It inspires love, beauty, bliss, ecstasy – through surrender to the divine. It transcends the mundane level, where all pain and limitation originate.  So this month can be a time of freeing ourselves from such limitations and opening our awareness, our inner eye, to a more refined ‘reality’.  If you make a conscious effort to go with the flow, to put some distance between yourself and the harsher realities of the world –( through the suggestions above) – then you will cooperate with the cosmic energy for this period. New awareness may bubble up from the depths of your own unconscious – helping to steer you in the right direction, for the new beginning around the corner.

Beginning with the New Moon on March 5, we find a line-up of planets in Pisces. The Pisces energy is strong now. Mark this date as a time to think about completion. You could make an intention list – comprising what you intend to release from your life.

The universe cannot always give us what we desire until we are ready to put down what we are carrying.  Free yourself, in other words, from the burdens you have been carrying. Put them down.  Burn your list.

The lunar nodes move into new signs – Sagittarius and Gemini, just the day before the New Moon – signalling a shift to greater lightness. They will stay in these signs until September 2012, bringing as they do, an urge for freedom – we’ll all want to travel more, to move, and to learn and expand our boundaries – geographical, mental, emotional, spiritual.  The nodes have been travelling through the cardinal signs Cancer and Capricorn – heavy and sensitive.  This shift is a relief. And don’t we need it!   But on the New Moon, they square Uranus – so something unexpected could come up – a sudden change.  Again, if we can let go and go with the flow – even sudden and unsettling changes will not throw us.

The 9th of March is a highly significant day. It marks the beginning of a 234 day long ‘wave of universal consciousness’. This is the 9th wave of the Mayan calendar – or the beginning of the ‘Universal Underworld’.    Mayan calendar expert Carl Calleman says this is about an influx of energies that “are conducive to human beings co-creating unity consciousness…….. It is the dawn of a wave of unity.”   Lovely.

How appropriate too, that this new frequency of unity consciousness begins during the Pisces (oneness) phase of the year. All I can say is – watch this space.  It is going to be very interesting. And keep in mind this:  “Where is no resistance, there is no pain.”  If you feel pain, anxiety, fear – know that you have resistance somewhere, to ‘what is’. Pisces remember, is asking us to let go……

On March 12, Uranus enters Aries – where it will stay for the next seven years. This is a red-letter day. The shift from Pisces to Aries is the most significant of all the transitions of the signs: Pisces being endings, Aries – new beginnings.  Uranus represents the urge for personal freedom, invention, revolution and individualism.  In Aries, Uranus is bound to unleash a powerful push for freedom on a very personal level. Don’t be surprised if you suddenly feel the urge to break out, to do things your way and to hell with it; to speak up against those who would pin you down and try to control you. No, those days have passed. What with the North Node moving into Sagittarius adding to the mix – the desire for freedom will be paramount.

Taskmaster of the planetary line-up, Saturn, is meanwhile continuing its transit through the sign of Libra – currently in retrograde motion.  If you are feeling as if you are ‘going over old ground’ in your relationships – you are not alone.  All relationships are undergoing a testing, with Saturn in this sign. If you’re an Aries, even more so.  We all have Libra somewhere in our charts – and this is the place of our greatest challenge, and will be throughout this year and into next year, as Saturn moves through Libra.  Hang in there. Saturn always brings its rewards in time – so if you keep in mind the need for maturity, dignity and patience – all will be well.  By the time Saturn moves on from the area of your ‘greatest challenge’ – you will be in a whole new place – one that will be better in every way.  Trust the process – is a good phrase to keep in mind with Saturn.  If it is your relationship feeling the strain, use this month of March to practice letting go. Whether it is feelings of resentment, memories of past hurts, or your own neediness…… you will be so much better off without them.  Be in the present moment. Let go of the past – and of concerns for the future. Do what you have to do, and to the best of your ability. Be kind – we are all walking a hard road.  And you may well find the pain dissolves, and life changes in ways you could never have imagined.  Or maybe you could. In Pisces, everything begins with the imagination.  So use it well and have a blissful month….